if (FALSE) {
# Simulation of an occupancy dataset from scratch
# First create an unmarkedFrame with the correct design
M <- 300 # number of sites
J <- 5 # number of occasions
# The values in the y-matrix don't matter as they will be simulated
# We can supply them as all NAs
y <- matrix(NA, M, J)
# Site covariate
x <- rnorm(M)
# Create unmarkedFrame
umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = y, siteCovs = data.frame(x = x))
# Must specify model = occu since unmarkedFrameOccu is also used for occuRN
# the formula species the specific model structure we want to simulate
# If we don't specify coefs, unmarked will generate a template you can copy and use
simulate(umf, model = occu, formula = ~1~x)
# Now set coefs
# Here we imply a mean occupancy and mean detection of 0.5
# (corresponding to values of 0 on the inverse link scale) and a positive effect of x
s <- simulate(umf, model = occu, formula = ~1~x,
coefs = list(state = c(0,0.3), det = 0))
occu(~1~x, s[[1]])
# For some models we can also include a random effect
# add a factor covariate
umf@siteCovs$x2 <- factor(sample(letters[1:10], M, replace=TRUE))
# The final value in coefs now represents the random effect SD for x2
s <- simulate(umf, model = occu, formula = ~1~x+(1|x2),
coefs = list(state = c(0,0.3, 1), det = 0))
occu(~1~x+(1|x2), s[[1]])
# Here's a more complicated example simulating a gdistsamp dataset
# using a negative binomial distribution
M <- 100
J <- 3
T <- 2
y <- matrix(NA, M, J*T)
umf2 <- unmarkedFrameGDS(y=y,
dist.breaks = c(0, 10, 20, 30), unitsIn='m',
numPrimary = T, survey="point")
cf <- list(lambda=c(1, 0.3), phi=0, det=c(log(20), 0), alpha=log(1))
# Note we now also supply another argument mixture="NB" to ...
s2 <- simulate(umf2, coefs=cf, lambdaformula=~x, phiformula=~1, pformula=~x,
gdistsamp(~x, ~1, ~x, s2[[1]], mixture="NB")
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