## Simulation
## No covariates, constant time intervals between primary periods, and
## no secondary sampling periods
M <- 50
T <- 5
lambda <- 4
gamma <- 1.5
omega <- 0.8
p <- 0.7
y <- N <- matrix(NA, M, T)
S <- G <- matrix(NA, M, T-1)
N[,1] <- rpois(M, lambda)
for(t in 1:(T-1)) {
S[,t] <- rbinom(M, N[,t], omega)
G[,t] <- rpois(M, gamma)
N[,t+1] <- S[,t] + G[,t]
y[] <- rbinom(M*T, N, p)
# Prepare data
umf <- unmarkedFramePCO(y = y, numPrimary=T)
# Fit model and backtransform
(m1 <- pcountOpen(~1, ~1, ~1, ~1, umf, K=20)) # Typically, K should be higher
(lam <- predict(m1, "lambda")$Predicted[1]) # or
lam <- exp(coef(m1, type="lambda"))
gam <- exp(coef(m1, type="gamma"))
om <- plogis(coef(m1, type="omega"))
p <- plogis(coef(m1, type="det"))
if (FALSE) {
# Finite sample inference. Abundance at site i, year t
re <- ranef(m1)
plot(re, layout=c(5,5), subset = site %in% 1:25 & year %in% 1:2,
(N.hat1 <- colSums(bup(re)))
# Expected values of N[i,t]
N.hat2 <- matrix(NA, M, T)
N.hat2[,1] <- lam
for(t in 2:T) {
N.hat2[,t] <- om*N.hat2[,t-1] + gam
rbind(N=colSums(N), N.hat1=N.hat1, N.hat2=colSums(N.hat2))
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