# Load some pivoted data
(x <- purpose$`up-left left-up`)
# Make a tidy representation
cells <- as_cells(x)
cells <- cells[!$chr), ]
# Select the cells containing the values
data_cells <-
filter(cells, row >= 3, col >= 3) %>%
transmute(row, col, count = as.integer(chr))
# Select the headers
qualification <-
filter(cells, col == 1) %>%
select(row, col, qualification = chr)
age <-
filter(cells, col == 2) %>%
select(row, col, age = chr)
gender <-
filter(cells, row == 1) %>%
select(row, col, gender = chr)
satisfaction <-
filter(cells, row == 2) %>%
select(row, col, satisfaction = chr)
# From each data cell, search for the nearest one of each of the headers
data_cells %>%
enhead(gender, "up-left") %>%
enhead(satisfaction, "up") %>%
enhead(qualification, "left-up") %>%
enhead(age, "left") %>%
select(-row, -col)
# The `drop` argument controls what happens when for some cells there is no
# header in the given direction. When `drop = TRUE` (the default), cells that
# can't be joined to a header are dropped. Otherwise they are kept.
enhead(data_cells, gender, "up")
enhead(data_cells, gender, "up", drop = FALSE)
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