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unpivotr (version 0.6.2)

purpose: Sense-of-purpose in the 2014 New Zealand General Social Survey


A dataset containing the self-rated sense-of-purpose of respondents to the 2014 New Zealand General Social Survey.





A list of eight data frames. The first data frame, Tidy, contains the raw data in a standard tabular format:

  • Sex Character, two levels

  • Age group (Life-stages) Character, age-range in years, four levels

  • Highest qualification Character, five levels

  • Sense of purpose Character, score-range, two levels and NA

  • Value Numeric, number of respondents (weighted? rounded?), has NAs

  • Flags Character, metadata flags, two levels and NA

The next six data frames are pivot tables of the first data frame. The data frames are named by the compass directions that are suggested for unpivoting them.

The final data frame is a 'tidy' representation of small-multiple pivot tables.


The description provided by Statistics New Zealand is below.

"The 2014 New Zealand General Social Survey (NZGSS) is the fourth of the survey series. We run the NZGSS every two years and interview around 8,500 people about a range of social and economic outcomes.

It provides new and redeveloped data about different aspects of people's lives and their well-being. In particular, the survey provides a view of how well-being outcomes are distributed across different groups within the New Zealand population.

Symbols used in this table:

  • S Data has been suppressed.

  • * Relative sampling error of 50 percent or more. Numbers may not add to the total because 'Don't know' and 'Refused' have been excluded.

Data quality: These statistics have been produced in accordance with the Official Statistics System principles and protocols for quality. They conform to the Statistics NZ Methodological Standard for Reporting of Data Quality."