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unpivotr (version 0.6.2)

rectify: Display cells as though in a spreadsheet


Takes the 'melted' output of as_cells() or tidyxl::xlsx_cells() (each row represents one cell) and projects the cells into their original positions. By default this prints to the terminal/console, but with display = "browser" or display = "rstudio" it will be displayed in the browser or the RStudio viewer pane.

This is for viewing only; the output is not designed to be used in other functions.

Example: The following cells

row col value
  1   1   "a"
  1   2   "b"
  2   1   "c"
  2   2   "d"

Would be presented as

row/col 1(A) 2(B)
      1 "a"  "b"
      2 "c"  "d"

The letters in the column names are for comparing this view with a spreadsheet application.


rectify(cells, values = NULL, types = data_type, formatters = list())

# S3 method for cell_grid print(x, display = "terminal", ...)



Data frame or tbl, the cells to be displayed.


Optional. The column of cells to use as the values of each cell. Given as a bare variable name. If omitted (the default), the types argument will be used instead.


The column of cells that names, for each cell, which column to use for the value of the cell. E.g. a cell with a character value will have "character" in this column.


A named list of functions to format cell values for display, named according to the column that the cell value is in.


The output of rectify()


One of "terminal" (default), "browser", "rstudio". To display in the browser you must have the DT package installed.


Arguments passed on to print()

Methods (by class)

  • cell_grid: S3 method for class cell_grid


Run this code
x <- data.frame(name = c("Matilda", "Nicholas"),
                score = c(14L, 10L),
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# This is the original form of the table, which is easy to read.

# This is the 'tidy' arrangement that is difficult for humans to read (but
# easy for computers)
y <- as_cells(x, col_names = TRUE)

# rectify() projects the cells as a spreadsheet again, for humans to read.

# You can choose to use a particular column of the data
rectify(y, values = chr)
rectify(y, values = int)

# You can also show which row or which column each cell came from, which
# helps with understanding what this function does.
rectify(y, values = row)
rectify(y, values = col)

# Empty rows and columns up to the first occupied cell are dropped, but the
# row and column names reflect the original row and column numbers.
y$row <- y$row + 5
y$col <- y$col + 5

# Supply named functions to format cell values for display.
rectify(y, formatters = list(chr = toupper, int = ~ . * 10))
# Print in the browser or in the RStudio viewer pane
if (FALSE) {
  z <- rectify(y)
  print(z, "browser")
  print(z, "rstudio")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab