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usdm (version 1.1-18)

plot.speciesLISA: Plot positional uncertainty based on LISA


Plot the values of LISAs at species occurrence locations, which can be used to identify the locations that need positional uncertainty treatment.


# S4 method for speciesLISA,missing
plot(x, y, ...)
# S4 method for speciesLISA,SpatialPolygons
plot(x, y, ...)
# S4 method for speciesLISA,SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
plot(x, y, ...)


plots the bubble plot.



an object of class speciesLISA, which is the output of speciesLisa function.


optional. Boundary map of the study area, an object of class SpatialPolygons.


additional argument (see details)


This function generates a map (i.e. a bubble plot) in which the species points present the magnitude of LISA in predictors at the location as open or filled circles with different sizes.

Below are additional arguments:

cex the maximum symbol size (circle) in the plot. levels specifies the number of LISA levels at which the points are presented . xyLegend a vector with two numbers, specifying the coordinates of the legend. If missing, the function tries to find the appropriate location for it. ... xlab, ylab and main same as the base plot function.

See Also

speciesLisa, lisa


Run this code
file <- system.file("external/predictors.grd", package="usdm")

r <- brick(file) # reading a RasterBrick including 5 rasters (predictor variables)


plot(r) # visualize the raster layers

#files.path <- system.file("external", package="usdm") # path to location of example files
#sp <- readOGR(dsn=files.path,layer="species_nl") # reading species data (shapefile)

#splisa <- speciesLisa(x=r,y=sp,uncertainty=15000,weights=c(0.22,0.2,0.38,0.2))



#bnd <- readOGR(dsn=files.path,layer="boundary") # reading the boundary map




Run the code above in your browser using DataLab