### Note: the 'not run' is simply because running takes a lot of time,
### but these examples are all safe to run!
# }
### Create simple dataset
dat <- data.frame(x1 = factor(rep(c(0,1), 20)),
x2 = factor(c(rep(0, 20), rep(1, 20))),
y=rep(c(4,5), 20) + rnorm(40));
### Generate a simple dlvPlot of y
dlvPlot(dat, y='y');
### Now add a predictor
dlvPlot(dat, x='x1', y='y');
### And finally also a moderator:
dlvPlot(dat, x='x1', y='y', z='x2');
### The number of datapoints might be a bit clearer if we jitter
dlvPlot(dat, x='x1', y='y', z='x2', jitter=TRUE);
### Although just dodging the density-sized dots might work better
dlvPlot(dat, x='x1', y='y', z='x2', posDodge=.3);
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab