Learn R Programming

usethis (version 1.5.1)

licenses: License a package


Adds the necessary infrastructure to declare your package as licensed with one of these popular open source licenses:

  • CC0: dedicated to public domain. Appropriate for data packages.

  • MIT: simple and permissive.

  • Apache 2.0: provides patent protection.

  • GPL v3: requires sharing of improvements.

  • CCBY 4.0: Free to share and adapt, must give appropriate credit. Appropriate for data packages.

See https://choosealicense.com for more details and other options.


use_mit_license(name = find_name())

use_gpl3_license(name = find_name())

use_lgpl_license(name = find_name())

use_apl2_license(name = find_name())

use_cc0_license(name = find_name())

use_ccby_license(name = find_name())



Name of the copyright holder or holders. Separate multiple individuals with ;. You can supply a global default with options(usethis.full_name = "My name").


CRAN does not allow you to include copies of standard licenses in your package, so these functions save the license as LICENSE.md and add it to .Rbuildignore.

See Also

The license section of R Packages.