Learn R Programming

usethis (version 1.5.1)

tidyverse: Helpers for tidyverse development


These helpers follow tidyverse conventions which are generally a little stricter than the defaults, reflecting the need for greater rigor in commonly used packages.


create_tidy_package(path, name = "RStudio")

use_tidy_ci(browse = interactive())


use_tidy_versions(overwrite = FALSE, source = c("local", "CRAN"))







use_tidy_style(strict = TRUE)




A path. If it exists, it is used. If it does not exist, it is created, provided that the parent path exists.


Name of the copyright holder or holders. Separate multiple individuals with ;. You can supply a global default with options(usethis.full_name = "My name").


Open a browser window to enable automatic builds for the package.


By default (FALSE), only dependencies without version specifications will be modified. Set to TRUE to modify all dependencies.


Use "local" or "CRAN" package versions.


Boolean indicating whether or not a strict version of styling should be applied. See styler::tidyverse_style() for details.


Uses the styler package package to style all code in a package, project, or directory, according to the tidyverse style guide.

Warning: This function will overwrite files! It is strongly suggested to only style files that are under version control or to first create a backup copy.

Invisibly returns a data frame with one row per file, that indicates whether styling caused a change.


  • create_tidy_package(): creates a new package, immediately applies as many of the tidyverse conventions as possible, issues a few reminders, and activates the new package.

  • use_tidy_ci(): sets up Travis CI and Codecov, ensuring that the package is actively tested on the versions of R officially supported by the Tidyverse (current release, devel, and four previous versions). It also ignores compat- and deprec- files from code coverage.

  • use_tidy_description(): puts fields in standard order and alphabetises dependencies.

  • use_tidy_eval(): imports a standard set of helpers to facilitate programming with the tidy eval toolkit.

  • use_tidy_style(): styles source code according to the tidyverse style guide. This function will overwrite files! See below for usage advice.

  • use_tidy_versions(): pins all dependencies to require at least the currently installed version.

  • use_tidy_contributing(): adds standard tidyverse contributing guidelines.

  • use_tidy_issue_template(): adds a standard tidyverse issue template.

  • use_tidy_release_test_env(): updates the test environment section in cran-comments.md.

  • use_tidy_support(): adds a standard description of support resources for the tidyverse.

  • use_tidy_coc(): equivalent to use_code_of_conduct(), but puts the document in a .github/ subdirectory.

  • use_tidy_github(): convenience wrapper that calls use_tidy_contributing(), use_tidy_issue_template(), use_tidy_support(), use_tidy_coc().