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usethis (version 2.0.0)

use_tidy_github_actions: Helpers for tidyverse development


These helpers follow tidyverse conventions which are generally a little stricter than the defaults, reflecting the need for greater rigor in commonly used packages.




create_tidy_package(path, copyright_holder = NULL)








use_tidy_style(strict = TRUE)




A path. If it exists, it is used. If it does not exist, it is created, provided that the parent path exists.


Name of the copyright holder or holders. This defaults to "package name authors"; you should only change this if you use a CLA to assign copyright to a single entity.


Boolean indicating whether or not a strict version of styling should be applied. See styler::tidyverse_style() for details.


Uses the styler package package to style all code in a package, project, or directory, according to the tidyverse style guide.

Warning: This function will overwrite files! It is strongly suggested to only style files that are under version control or to first create a backup copy.

Invisibly returns a data frame with one row per file, that indicates whether styling caused a change.


  • use_tidy_github_actions(): Sets up the following workflows using GitHub Actions:

    • Run R CMD check on the current release, devel, and four previous versions of R.

    • Report test coverage.

    • Build and deploy a pkgdown site.

    • Provide two commands to be used in pull requests: /document to run roxygen2::roxygenise() and update the PR, and /style to run styler::style_pkg() and update the PR.

  • use_tidy_pkgdown(): Implements the pkgdown setup used for most tidyverse and r-lib packages:

    • use_pkgdown() does basic local setup

    • use_github_pages() prepares to publish the pkgdown site from the github-pages branch

    • use_github_action("pkgdown") configures a GitHub Action to automatically build the pkgdown site and deploy it via GitHub Pages

    • The pkgdown site's URL is added to the pkgdown configuration file, to the URL field of DESCRIPTION, and to the GitHub repo.

  • create_tidy_package(): creates a new package, immediately applies as many of the tidyverse conventions as possible, issues a few reminders, and activates the new package.

  • use_tidy_description(): puts fields in standard order and alphabetises dependencies.

  • use_tidy_eval(): imports a standard set of helpers to facilitate programming with the tidy eval toolkit.

  • use_tidy_style(): styles source code according to the tidyverse style guide. This function will overwrite files! See below for usage advice.

  • use_tidy_contributing(): adds standard tidyverse contributing guidelines.

  • use_tidy_issue_template(): adds a standard tidyverse issue template.

  • use_tidy_release_test_env(): updates the test environment section in cran-comments.md.

  • use_tidy_support(): adds a standard description of support resources for the tidyverse.

  • use_tidy_coc(): equivalent to use_code_of_conduct(), but puts the document in a .github/ subdirectory.

  • use_tidy_github(): convenience wrapper that calls use_tidy_contributing(), use_tidy_issue_template(), use_tidy_support(), use_tidy_coc().