Learn R Programming

usethis (version 2.1.5)

proj_utils: Utility functions for the active project


Most use_*() functions act on the active project. If it is unset, usethis uses rprojroot to find the project root of the current working directory. It establishes the project root by looking for a .here file, an RStudio Project, a package DESCRIPTION, Git infrastructure, a remake.yml file, or a .projectile file. It then stores the active project for use for the remainder of the session.



proj_set(path = ".", force = FALSE)

proj_path(..., ext = "")

with_project( path = ".", code, force = FALSE, setwd = TRUE, quiet = getOption("usethis.quiet", default = FALSE) )

local_project( path = ".", force = FALSE, setwd = TRUE, quiet = getOption("usethis.quiet", default = FALSE), .local_envir = parent.frame() )



Path to set. This path should exist or be NULL.


If TRUE, use this path without checking the usual criteria for a project. Use sparingly! The main application is to solve a temporary chicken-egg problem: you need to set the active project in order to add project-signalling infrastructure, such as initialising a Git repo or adding a DESCRIPTION file.


character vectors, if any values are NA, the result will also be NA. The paths follow the recycling rules used in the tibble package, namely that only length 1 arguments are recycled.


An optional extension to append to the generated path.


Code to run with temporary active project


Whether to also temporarily set the working directory to the active project, if it is not NULL


Whether to suppress user-facing messages, while operating in the temporary active project


The environment to use for scoping. Defaults to current execution environment.


  • proj_get: Retrieves the active project and, if necessary, attempts to set it in the first place.

  • proj_set: Sets the active project.

  • proj_path: Builds a path within the active project returned by proj_get(). Thin wrapper around fs::path().

  • with_project: Runs code with a temporary active project and, optionally, working directory. It is an example of the with_*() functions in withr.

  • local_project: Sets an active project and, optionally, working directory until the current execution environment goes out of scope, e.g. the end of the current function or test. It is an example of the local_*() functions in withr.


In general, end user scripts should not contain direct calls to usethis::proj_*() utility functions. They are internal functions that are exported for occasional interactive use or use in packages that extend usethis. End user code should call functions in rprojroot or its simpler companion, here, to programmatically detect a project and build paths within it.

See Also

Other project functions: proj_sitrep()


Run this code
## see the active project

## manually set the active project

## build a path within the active project (both produce same result)
proj_path("R", "foo", ext = "R")

## build a path within SOME OTHER project
with_project("path/to/some/other/project", proj_path("blah.R"))

## convince yourself that with_project() temporarily changes the project
with_project("path/to/some/other/project", print(proj_sitrep()))
# }

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