These functions are used to construct the user interface of usethis. Use
them in your own package so that your use_ functions work the same way
as usethis.
The ui_ functions can be broken down into four main categories:
The block styles, conditions, and questions are called for their
side-effect. The inline styles return a string.
A character vector.
For block styles, conditions, and questions, each element of the
vector becomes a line, and the result is processed by glue::glue().
For inline styles, each element of the vector becomes an entry in a
comma separated list.
Used to ensure that glue::glue() gets the correct
environment. For expert use only.
If TRUE, the session is interactive, and the clipr package
is installed, will copy the code block to the clipboard.
Code to execute with usual UI output silenced.
If specified, paths will be displayed relative to this path.
Silencing output
All UI output (apart from ui_yeah()/ui_nope() prompts) can be silenced
by setting options(usethis.quiet = TRUE). Use ui_silence() to silence
selected actions.