Adds the necessary infrastructure to declare your package as licensed with one of these popular open source licenses:
MIT: simple and permissive.
Apache 2.0: MIT + provides patent protection.
GPL v2: requires sharing of improvements.
GPL v3: requires sharing of improvements.
AGPL v3: requires sharing of improvements.
LGPL v2.1: requires sharing of improvements.
LGPL v3: requires sharing of improvements.
Creative commons licenses appropriate for data packages:
See for more details and other options.
Alternatively, for code that you don't want to share with others,
makes it clear that all rights are reserved,
and the code is not open source.
use_mit_license(copyright_holder = NULL)use_gpl_license(version = 3, include_future = TRUE)
use_agpl_license(version = 3, include_future = TRUE)
use_lgpl_license(version = 3, include_future = TRUE)
use_apache_license(version = 2, include_future = TRUE)
Name of the copyright holder or holders. This
defaults to "{package name} authors"
; you should only change this if you
use a CLA to assign copyright to a single entity.
License version. This defaults to latest version all licenses.
, will license your package under the current
and any potential future versions of the license. This is generally
considered to be good practice because it means your package will
automatically include "bug" fixes in licenses.
CRAN does not permit you to include copies of standard licenses in your
package, so these functions save the license as
and add it
to .Rbuildignore
For more details, refer to the the license chapter in R Packages.