pkgdown makes it easy to turn your package into a beautiful website. usethis provides two functions to help you use pkgdown:
: creates a pkgdown config file and adds relevant files or
directories to .Rbuildignore
and .gitignore
: implements the GitHub setup needed to
automatically publish your pkgdown site to GitHub pages:
(first, it calls use_pkgdown()
prepares to publish the pkgdown site from the
configures a
GitHub Action to automatically build the pkgdown site and deploy it via
GitHub Pages
The pkgdown site's URL is added to the pkgdown configuration file, to the URL field of DESCRIPTION, and to the GitHub repo.
Packages owned by certain GitHub organizations (tidyverse, r-lib, and tidymodels) get some special treatment, in terms of anticipating the (eventual) site URL and the use of a pkgdown template.
use_pkgdown(config_file = "_pkgdown.yml", destdir = "docs")use_pkgdown_github_pages()
Path to the pkgdown yaml config file, relative to the project.
Target directory for pkgdown docs.