Creates a new tutorial below inst/tutorials/. Tutorials are interactive R
Markdown documents built with the learnr package. use_tutorial() does
this setup:
Adds learnr to Suggests in DESCRIPTION.
Gitignores inst/tutorials/*.html so you don't accidentally track
rendered tutorials.
Creates a new .Rmd tutorial from a template and, optionally, opens it
for editing.
Adds new .Rmd to .Rbuildignore.
use_tutorial(name, title, open = rlang::is_interactive())
Base for file name to use for new .Rmd tutorial. Should consist
only of numbers, letters, _ and -. We recommend using lower case.
The human-facing title of the tutorial.
Open the newly created file for editing? Happens in RStudio, if
applicable, or via utils::file.edit() otherwise.