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These functions are now superseded. External users of the usethis::ui_*()
functions are encouraged to use the cli package
instead. The cli package did not have the required functionality when the
functions were created, but it has had that for a while
now and it's the superior option. There is even a cli vignette about how to
make this transition: vignette("usethis-ui", package = "cli")
usethis itself now uses cli internally for its UI, but these new functions are not exported and presumably never will be. There is a developer-focused article on the process of transitioning usethis's own UI to use cli: Converting usethis's UI to use cli.
ui_line(x = character(), .envir = parent.frame())ui_todo(x, .envir = parent.frame())
ui_done(x, .envir = parent.frame())
ui_oops(x, .envir = parent.frame())
ui_info(x, .envir = parent.frame())
ui_code_block(x, copy = rlang::is_interactive(), .envir = parent.frame())
ui_stop(x, .envir = parent.frame())
ui_warn(x, .envir = parent.frame())
ui_path(x, base = NULL)
ui_unset(x = "unset")
The block styles, conditions, and questions are called for their side-effect. The inline styles return a string.
A character vector.
For block styles, conditions, and questions, each element of the
vector becomes a line, and the result is processed by glue::glue()
For inline styles, each element of the vector becomes an entry in a
comma separated list.
Used to ensure that glue::glue()
gets the correct
environment. For expert use only.
, the session is interactive, and the clipr package
is installed, will copy the code block to the clipboard.
If specified, paths will be displayed relative to this path.
The ui_
functions can be broken down into four main categories:
block styles: ui_line()
, ui_done()
, ui_todo()
, ui_oops()
conditions: ui_stop()
, ui_warn()
questions: ui_yeah()
, ui_nope()
inline styles: ui_field()
, ui_value()
, ui_path()
, ui_code()
The question functions ui_yeah()
and ui_nope()
have their own help page.
All UI output (apart from ui_yeah()
prompts) can be silenced
by setting options(usethis.quiet = TRUE)
. Use ui_silence()
to silence
selected actions.
new_val <- "oxnard"
ui_done("{ui_field('name')} set to {ui_value(new_val)}")
ui_todo("Redocument with {ui_code('devtools::document()')}")
"Line 1",
"Line 2",
"Line 3"
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab