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utf8 (version 1.2.2)

utf8_print: Print UTF-8 Text


Print a UTF-8 character object.


utf8_print(x, chars = NULL, quote = TRUE, na.print = NULL,
           print.gap = NULL, right = FALSE, max = NULL,
           names = NULL, rownames = NULL, escapes = NULL,
           display = TRUE, style = TRUE, utf8 = NULL, ...)


The function returns x invisibly.



character object.


integer scalar indicating the maximum number of character units to display. Wide characters like emoji take two character units; combining marks and default ignorables take none. Longer strings get truncated and suffixed or prefixed with an ellipsis ("..." in C locale, "\u2026" in others). Set to NULL to limit output to the line width as determined by getOption("width").


logical scalar indicating whether to put surrounding double-quotes ('"') around character strings and escape internal double-quotes.


character string (or NULL) indicating the encoding for NA values. Ignored when na.encode is FALSE.


non-negative integer (or NULL) giving the number of spaces in gaps between columns; set to NULL or 1 for a single space.


logical scalar indicating whether to right-justify character strings.


non-negative integer (or NULL) indicating the maximum number of elements to print; set to getOption("max.print") if argument is NULL.


a character string specifying the display style for the (column) names, as an ANSI SGR parameter string.


a character string specifying the display style for the row names, as an ANSI SGR parameter string.


a character string specifying the display style for the backslash escapes, as an ANSI SGR parameter string.


logical scalar indicating whether to optimize the encoding for display, not byte-for-byte data transmission.


logical scalar indicating whether to apply ANSI terminal escape codes to style the output. Ignored when output_ansi() is FALSE.


logical scalar indicating whether to optimize results for a UTF-8 capable display, or NULL to set as the result of output_utf8(). Ignored when output_utf8() is FALSE.


further arguments passed from other methods. Ignored.


utf8_print prints a character object after formatting it with utf8_format.

For ANSI terminal output (when output_ansi() is TRUE), you can style the row and column names with the rownames and names parameters, specifying an ANSI SGR parameter string; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#SGR_(Select_Graphic_Rendition)_parameters.

See Also



Run this code
# printing (assumes that output is capable of displaying Unicode 10.0.0)
print(intToUtf8(0x1F600 + 0:79)) # with default R print function
utf8_print(intToUtf8(0x1F600 + 0:79)) # with utf8_print, truncates line
utf8_print(intToUtf8(0x1F600 + 0:79), chars = 1000) # higher character limit

# in C locale, output ASCII (same results on all platforms)
oldlocale <- Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE")
invisible(Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "C")) # switch to C locale
utf8_print(intToUtf8(0x1F600 + 0:79))
invisible(Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", oldlocale)) # switch back to old locale

# Mac and Linux only: style the names
# see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#SGR_(Select_Graphic_Rendition)_parameters
utf8_print(matrix(as.character(1:20), 4, 5),
           names = "1;4", rownames = "2;3")

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