The Maximum Cut (MCut) automatically determines a threshold for each instance
that selects a subset of labels with higher scores than others. This leads to
the selection of the middle of the interval defined by these two scores as
the threshold.
mcut_threshold(prediction, probability = FALSE)
# S3 method for default
mcut_threshold(prediction, probability = FALSE)
# S3 method for mlresult
mcut_threshold(prediction, probability = FALSE)
A matrix or mlresult.
A logical value. If TRUE the predicted values are
the score between 0 and 1, otherwise the values are bipartition 0 or 1.
(Default: FALSE)
A mlresult object.
Methods (by class)
default: Maximum Cut Thresholding (MCut) method for matrix
mlresult: Maximum Cut Thresholding (MCut) for mlresult
Largeron, C., Moulin, C., & Gery, M. (2012). MCut: A Thresholding Strategy
for Multi-label Classification. In 11th International Symposium, IDA 2012
(pp. 172-183).