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vcd (version 1.4-10)

tile: Tile Plot


Plots a tile display.


# S3 method for default
         tile_type = c("area", "squaredarea", "height", "width"),
         halign = c("left", "center", "right"),
         valign = c("bottom", "center", "top"),
         split_vertical = NULL,
         shade = FALSE,
         spacing = spacing_equal(unit(1, "lines")),
         set_labels = NULL,
         margins = unit(3, "lines"),
         keep_aspect_ratio = FALSE,
         legend = NULL,
         legend_width = NULL,
         squared_tiles = TRUE,
         main = NULL, sub = NULL, ...)
# S3 method for formula
tile(formula, data,
  ..., main = NULL, sub = NULL, subset = NULL, na.action = NULL)


The "structable" visualized is returned invisibly.



a contingency table, or an object coercible to one.


a formula specifying the variables used to create a contingency table from data



either a data frame, or an object of class "table" or "ftable".


an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used.


a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. Ignored if data is a contingency table.


character string indicating how the tiles should reflect the table frequencies (see details).

halign, valign

character string specifying the horizontal and vertical alignment of the tiles.


vector of logicals of length \(k\), where \(k\) is the number of margins of x (values are recycled as needed). A TRUE component indicates that the tile(s) of the corresponding dimension should be split vertically, FALSE means horizontal splits. Default is FALSE.


spacing object, spacing function, or corresponding generating function (see strucplot for more information).


An optional character vector with named components replacing the so-specified variable names. The component names must exactly match the variable names to be replaced.


logical specifying whether shading should be enabled or not (see strucplot).


either an object of class "unit" of length 4, or a numeric vector of length 4. The elements are recycled as needed. The four components specify the top, right, bottom, and left margin of the plot, respectively. When a numeric vector is supplied, the numbers are interpreted as "lines" units. In addition, the unit or numeric vector may have named arguments (top, right, bottom, and left), in which case the non-named arguments specify the default values (recycled as needed), overloaded by the named arguments.


either a legend-generating function, or a legend function (see details and legends), or a logical. If legend is NULL or TRUE and gp is a function or missing, legend defaults to legend_resbased.


An object of class "unit" of length 1 specifying the width of the legend (if any). Default: 5 lines.


logical indicating whether the aspect ratio should be fixed or not. The default is FALSE to enable the creation of squared tiles.


logical indicating whether white space should be added as needed to rows or columns to obtain squared tiles in case of an unequal number of row and column labels.

main, sub

either a logical, or a character string used for plotting the main (sub) title. If logical and TRUE, the name of the data object is used.


Other arguments passed to strucplot


David Meyer David.Meyer@R-project.org


A tile plot is a matrix of tiles. For each tile, either the "width", "height", "area", or squared area is proportional to the corresponding entry. The first three options allow column-wise, row-wise and overall comparisons, respectively. The last variant allows to compare the tiles both column-wise and row-wise, considering either the width or the height, respectively.

In contrast to other high-level strucplot functions, tile also accepts a table with duplicated levels (see examples). In this case, artificial dimnames will be created, and the actual ones are drawn using set_labels.

Note that multiway-tables are first “flattened” using structable.

See Also

assoc, strucplot, mosaic, structable,


Run this code

## default plot
tile(Titanic, type = "expected")
tile(Titanic, shade = TRUE)

## some variations
tile(Titanic, tile_type = "squaredarea")
tile(Titanic, tile_type = "width", squared_tiles = FALSE)
tile(Titanic, tile_type = "height", squared_tiles = FALSE)
tile(Titanic, tile_type = "area", halign = "center", valign = "center")

## repeat levels

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab