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agreementplot: Bangdiwala's Observer Agreement Chart


Representation of a $k by k$ confusion matrix, where the observed and expected diagonal elements are represented by superposed black and white rectangles, respectively. The function also computes a statistic measuring the strength of agreement (relation of respective area sums).


"agreementplot"(x, reverse_y = TRUE, main = NULL, weights = c(1, 1 - 1/(ncol(x) - 1)^2), margins = par("mar"), newpage = TRUE, pop = TRUE, xlab = names(dimnames(x))[2], ylab = names(dimnames(x))[1], xlab_rot = 0, xlab_just = "center", ylab_rot = 90, ylab_just = "center", fill_col = function(j) gray((1 - (weights[j]) ^ 2) ^ 0.5), line_col = "red", xscale = TRUE, yscale = TRUE, return_grob = FALSE, prefix = "", ...) "agreementplot"(formula, data = NULL, ..., subset)


a confusion matrix, i.e., a table with equal-sized dimensions.
if TRUE, the y axis is reversed (i.e., the rectangles' positions correspond to the contingency table).
user-specified main title.
vector of weights for successive larger observed areas, used in the agreement strength statistic, and also for the shading. The first element should be 1.
vector of margins (see par).
logical; if TRUE, the plot is drawn on a new page.
logical; if TRUE, all newly generated viewports are popped after plotting.
logical. Should a snapshot of the display be returned as a grid grob?
xlab, ylab
labels of x- and y-axis.
xlab_rot, ylab_rot
rotation angle for the category labels.
xlab_just, ylab_just
justification for the category labels.
a function, giving the fill colors used for exact and partial agreement
color used for the diagonal reference line
a formula, such as y ~ x. For details, see xtabs.
a data frame (or list), or a contingency table from which the variables in formula should be taken.
an optional vector specifying a subset of the rows in the data frame to be used for plotting.
xscale, yscale
logicals indicating whether the marginals should be added on the x-axis/y-axis, respectively.
character string used as prefix for the viewport name
further graphics parameters (see par).


Invisibly returned, a list with components


Weights can be specified to allow for partial agreement, taking into account contributions from off-diagonal cells. Partial agreement is typically represented in the display by lighter shading, as given by fill_col(j), corresponding to weights[j]. A weight vector of length 1 means strict agreement only, each additional element increases the maximum number of disagreement steps.

cotabplot can be used for stratified analyses (see examples).


Bangdiwala, S. I. (1988). The Agreement Chart. Department of Biostatistics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Institute of Statistics Mimeo Series No. 1859, http://www.stat.ncsu.edu/information/library/mimeo.archive/ISMS_1988_1859.pdf

Bangdiwala, S. I., Ana S. Haedo, Marcela L. Natal, and Andres Villaveces. The agreement chart as an alternative to the receiver-operating characteristic curve for diagnostic tests. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 61 (9), 866-874.

Michael Friendly (2000), Visualizing Categorical Data. SAS Institute, Cary, NC.


Run this code

## Not run: 
# ## best visualized using a resized device, e.g. using:
# ## get(getOption("device"))(width = 12)
# pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(ncol = 2)))
# pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = 1))
# agreementplot(t(MSPatients[,,1]), main = "Winnipeg Patients",
#               newpage = FALSE)
# popViewport()
# pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = 2))
# agreementplot(t(MSPatients[,,2]), main = "New Orleans Patients",
#               newpage = FALSE)
# popViewport(2)
# dev.off()
# ## End(Not run)

## alternatively, use cotabplot:
cotabplot(MSPatients, panel = cotab_agreementplot)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab