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specaccum: Species Accumulation Curves


Function specaccum finds species accumulation curves or the number of species for a certain number of sampled sites or individuals.


specaccum(comm, method = "exact", permutations = 100,
          conditioned =TRUE, gamma = "jack1",  w = NULL, subset, ...)
## S3 method for class 'specaccum':
plot(x, add = FALSE, random = FALSE, ci = 2, 
    ci.type = c("bar", "line", "polygon"), col = par("fg"), ci.col = col, 
    ci.lty = 1, xlab, ylab = x$method, ylim, 
    xvar = c("sites", "individuals", "effort"), ...)
## S3 method for class 'specaccum':
boxplot(x, add = FALSE, ...)
fitspecaccum(object, model, method = "random", ...)
## S3 method for class 'fitspecaccum':
plot(x, col = par("fg"), lty = 1, xlab = "Sites", 
    ylab = x$method, ...) 
## S3 method for class 'specaccum':
predict(object, newdata, interpolation = c("linear", "spline"), ...)
## S3 method for class 'fitspecaccum':
predict(object, newdata, ...)


Community data set.
Species accumulation method (partial match). Method "collector" adds sites in the order they happen to be in the data, "random" adds sites in random order, "exact" finds the expected (mean) species ri
Number of permutations with method = "random".
Estimation of standard deviation is conditional on the empirical dataset for the exact SAC
Method for estimating the total extrapolated number of species in the survey area by function specpool
Weights giving the sampling effort (an experimental feature that may be removed).
logical expression indicating sites (rows) to keep: missing values are taken as FALSE.
A specaccum result object
Add to an existing graph.
Multiplier used to get confidence intervals from standard deviation (standard error of the estimate). Value ci = 0 suppresses drawing confidence intervals.
Type of confidence intervals in the graph: "bar" draws vertical bars, "line" draws lines, and "polygon" draws a shaded area.
Colour for drawing lines.
Colour for drawing lines or filling the "polygon".
Line type for confidence intervals or border of the "polygon".
Labels for x (defaults xvar) and y axis.
the y limits of the plot.
Variable used for the horizontal axis: "individuals" can be used only with method = "rarefaction".
Either a community data set or fitted specaccum model.
Nonlinear regression model (nls). See Details.
line type code (see par.
Optional data used in prediction interpreted as number of sampling units (sites). If missing, fitted values are returned.
Interpolation method used with newdata.
Other parameters to functions.


  • Function specaccum returns an object of class "specaccum", and fitspecaccum a model of class "fitspecaccum" that adds a few items to the "specaccum" (see the end of the list below):
  • callFunction call.
  • methodAccumulator method.
  • sitesNumber of sites. For method = "rarefaction" this is the number of sites corresponding to a certain number of individuals and generally not an integer, and the average number of individuals is also returned in item individuals.
  • richnessThe number of species corresponding to number of sites. With method = "collector" this is the observed richness, for other methods the average or expected richness.
  • sdThe standard deviation of SAC (or its standard error). This is NULL in method = "collector", and it is estimated from permutations in method = "random", and from analytic equations in other methods.
  • permPermutation results with method = "random" and NULL in other cases. Each column in perm holds one permutation.
  • fitted, residuals, coefficientsOnly in fitspecacum: fitted values, residuals and nonlinear model coefficients. For method = "random" these are matrices with a column for each random accumulation.
  • modelsOnly in fitspecaccum: list of fitted nls models (see Examples on accessing these models).


Species accumulation curves (SAC) are used to compare diversity properties of community data sets using different accumulator functions. The classic method is "random" which finds the mean SAC and its standard deviation from random permutations of the data, or subsampling without replacement (Gotelli & Colwell 2001). The "exact" method finds the expected SAC using the method that was independently developed by Ugland et al. (2003), Colwell et al. (2004) and Kindt et al. (2006). The unconditional standard deviation for the exact SAC represents a moment-based estimation that is not conditioned on the empirical data set (sd for all samples > 0), unlike the conditional standard deviation that was developed by Jari Oksanen (not published, sd=0 for all samples). The unconditional standard deviation is based on an estimation of the total extrapolated number of species in the survey area (a.k.a. gamma diversity), as estimated by function specpool. Method "coleman" finds the expected SAC and its standard deviation following Coleman et al. (1982). All these methods are based on sampling sites without replacement. In contrast, the method = "rarefaction" finds the expected species richness and its standard deviation by sampling individuals instead of sites. It achieves this by applying function rarefy with number of individuals corresponding to average number of individuals per site.

The function has a plot method. In addition, method = "random" has summary and boxplot methods.

Function predict can return the values corresponding to newdata using linear (approx) or spline (spline) interpolation. The function cannot extrapolate with linear interpolation, and with spline the type and sensibility of the extrapolation depends on argument method which is passed to spline. If newdata is not given, the function returns the values corresponding to the data.

Function fitspecaccum fits a nonlinear (nls) self-starting species accumulation model. The input object can be a result of specaccum or a community in data frame. In the latter case the function first fits a specaccum model and then proceeds with fitting the a nonlinear model. The function can apply a limited set of nonlinear regression models suggested for species-area relationship (Dengler 2009). All these are selfStart models. The permissible alternatives are "arrhenius" (SSarrhenius), "gleason" (SSgleason), "gitay" (SSgitay), "lomolino" (SSlomolino) of vegan package. In addition the following standard Rmodels are available: "asymp" (SSasymp), "gompertz" (SSgompertz), "michaelis-menten") (SSmicmen), "logis" (SSlogis), "weibull" (SSweibull). See these functions for model specification and details.

Function predict uses predict.nls, and you can pass all arguments to that function. In addition, fitted, residuals and coef work on the result object.

Nonlinear regression may fail for any reason, and some of the fitspecaccum models are fragile and may not succeed.


Coleman, B.D, Mares, M.A., Willis, M.R. & Hsieh, Y. (1982). Randomness, area and species richness. Ecology 63: 1121--1133.

Colwell, R.K., Mao, C.X. & Chang, J. (2004). Interpolating, extrapolating, and comparing incidence-based species accumulation curves. Ecology 85: 2717--2727.

Dengler, J. (2009). Which function describes the species-area relationship best? A review and empirical evaluation. Journal of Biogeography 36, 728--744.

Gotellli, N.J. & Colwell, R.K. (2001). Quantifying biodiversity: procedures and pitfalls in measurement and comparison of species richness. Ecol. Lett. 4, 379--391.

Kindt, R. (2003). Exact species richness for sample-based accumulation curves. Manuscript. Kindt R., Van Damme, P. & Simons, A.J. (2006) Patterns of species richness at varying scales in western Kenya: planning for agroecosystem diversification. Biodiversity and Conservation, 10: 3235--3249.

Ugland, K.I., Gray, J.S. & Ellingsen, K.E. (2003). The species-accumulation curve and estimation of species richness. Journal of Animal Ecology 72: 888--897.

See Also

rarefy and rrarefy are related individual based models. Other accumulation models are poolaccum for extrapolated richness, and renyiaccum and tsallisaccum for diversity indices. Underlying graphical functions are boxplot, matlines, segments and polygon.


Run this code
sp1 <- specaccum(BCI)
sp2 <- specaccum(BCI, "random")
plot(sp1, ci.type="poly", col="blue", lwd=2, ci.lty=0, ci.col="lightblue")
boxplot(sp2, col="yellow", add=TRUE, pch="+")
## Fit Lomolino model to the exact accumulation
mod1 <- fitspecaccum(sp1, "lomolino")
## Add Lomolino model using argument 'add'
plot(mod1, add = TRUE, col=2, lwd=2)
## Fit Arrhenius models to all random accumulations
mods <- fitspecaccum(sp2, "arrh")
plot(mods, col="hotpink")
boxplot(sp2, col = "yellow", border = "blue", lty=1, cex=0.3, add= TRUE)
## Use nls() methods to the list of models
sapply(mods$models, AIC)

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