## Use the first eigenvalue of correspondence analysis as an index
## of structure: a model for making your own functions.
## Traditional nestedness statistics (number of checkerboard units)
oecosimu(sipoo, nestedchecker, "r0")
## sequential model, one-sided test, a vector statistic
out <- oecosimu(sipoo, decorana, "swap", burnin=100, thin=10,
statistic="evals", alt = "greater")
## Inspect the swap sequence as a time series object
## Density plot
densityplot(permustats(out), as.table = TRUE, layout = c(1,4))
## Use quantitative null models to compare
## mean Bray-Curtis dissimilarities
meandist <- function(x) mean(vegdist(x, "bray"))
mbc1 <- oecosimu(dune, meandist, "r2dtable")
## Define your own null model as a 'commsim' function: shuffle cells
## in each row
foo <- function(x, n, nr, nc, ...) {
out <- array(0, c(nr, nc, n))
for (k in seq_len(n))
out[,,k] <- apply(x, 2, function(z) sample(z, length(z)))
cf <- commsim("myshuffle", foo, isSeq = FALSE, binary = FALSE,
mode = "double")
oecosimu(dune, meandist, cf)
## Use pre-built null model
nm <- simulate(nullmodel(sipoo, "curveball"), 99)
oecosimu(nm, nestedchecker)
## Several chains of a sequential model -- this can be generalized
## for parallel processing (see ?smbind)
nm <- replicate(5, simulate(nullmodel(sipoo, "swap"), 99,
thin=10, burnin=100), simplify = FALSE)
## nm is now a list of nullmodels: use smbind to combine these into one
## nullmodel with several chains
nm <- smbind(nm, MARGIN = 3)
oecosimu(nm, nestedchecker)
## After this you can use as.mcmc() and tools in the coda package to
## analyse the chains (these will show that thin, burnin and nsimul are
## all too low for real analysis).
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