reads rds files and returns a data-frame
or an object of 'spatial feature' of streets, merging several files.
pol = "CO",
what = "STREETS.rds",
streets = T,
FN = "sum",
path = "emi",
under = "after",
as_list = FALSE,
k = 1,
verbose = TRUE
'Spatial feature' of lines or a dataframe of emissions
Character. Pollutant.
Character. Word to search the emissions names, "STREETS", "DF" or whatever name. It is important to include the extension .'rds'. For instance, If you have several files "XX_CO_STREETS.rds", what should be "STREETS.rds"
Logical. If true, emis_merge
will read the street
emissions created with emis_post
by "streets_wide", returning an
object with class 'sf'. If false, it will read the emissions data-frame and
rbind them.
'Spatial feature' or 'SpatialLinesDataFrame' with the streets. It is expected #' that the number of rows is equal to the number of rows of street emissions. If #' not, the function will stop.
Character indicating the function. Default is "sum"
Character; Which pollutants or other charavter would you like to remove?
Character. Path where emissions are located
coordinate reference system in numeric format from http://spatialreference.org/ to transform/project spatial data using sf::st_transform
"Character"; "after" when you stored your pollutant x as 'X_' "before" when '_X' and "none" for merging directly the files.
"Logical"; for returning the results as list or not.
Logical to display more information or not. Default is TRUE