A wider dataset than typical_data
containing information about some
randomly generated people, created using the excellent wakefield
package. It is created as deliberately odd / eclectic dataset.
A data frame with 300 rows and 49 variables:
Age of each individual, see ?wakefield::age for more info
A vector of animals, see ?wakefield::animal
A vector of "Yes" or "No"
A vector of living areas "Suburban", "Urban", "Rural"
names of cars - see ?mtcars
vector of number of children - see ?wakefield::children
character vector of "heads" and "tails"
vector of vectors from "colors()"
vector of "important" dates for an individual
TRUE / FALSE for whether this person died
6 sided dice result
vector of GATC nucleobases
birth dates
a 0/1 dummy var
education attainment level
employee status
eye colour
percent grades
favorite school grade
control or treatment
hair colours - "brown", "black", "blonde", or "red"
height in cm
yearly income
choice of internet browser
intelligence quotient
random language of the world
levels between 1 and 4
likert response - "strongly agree", "agree", and so on
lorem ipsum text
marital status- "married", "divorced", "widowed", "separated", etc
miliary branch they are in
their favorite month
their name
a random normal number
their favorite political party
their race
their religion
their SAT score
an uttered sentence
sex of their first child
sex of their second child
do they smoke
their median speed travelled in a car
the last state they visited in the USA
a random string they smashed out on the keyboard
the last key they hit in upper case
TRUE FALSE answer to a question
significant year to that individuals
a zip code they have visited