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wBoot (version 1.0.3)

boot.two.bca: BCa Bootstrap Independent Two-Samples Test and CI


Obtains an independent-samples confidence interval and (optionally) performs an independent-samples hypothesis test for the difference between two population means, medians, proportions, or some user-defined function, using the BCa bootstrap method.


boot.two.bca(x, y, parameter, stacked = TRUE, variable = NULL,
             null.hyp = NULL, alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
             conf.level = 0.95, type = NULL, R = 9999)


a numeric vector of observations of the variable (stacked case) or a numeric vector of data values representing the first of the two samples (unstacked case).
a vector of corresponding population identifiers (stacked case) or a numeric vector of data values representing the second of the two samples (unstacked case).
the parameter under consideration.
a logical value (default TRUE) indicating whether the data are stacked.
an optional string that gives the name of the variable under consideration; ignored if stacked is TRUE.
the null-hypothesis value; if omitted, no hypothesis test is performed.
a character string specifying the alternative hypothesis; must be one of "two.sided" (default), "greater", or "less".
the confidence level (between 0 and 1); default is 0.95.
a character string specifying the type of CI; if user-supplied, must be one of "two-sided", "upper-bound", or "lower-bound"; defaults to "two-sided" if alternative is "two.sided", "upper-bound" if alternative is "less", and "lower-bound" if alternative
the number of bootstrap replications; default is 9999.


  • A list with class "boot.two" containing the following components:
  • Stackeda logical indicating whether the data are stacked (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
  • Boot.valuesthe point estimates for the difference between the parameter values obtained from the bootstrap.
  • Confidence.limitsthe confidence limit(s) for the confidence interval.
  • Parameterthe parameter under consideration.
  • Headerthe main title for the output.
  • Variablethe name of the variable under consideration or NULL.
  • Pop.1the first population.
  • Pop.2the second population.
  • n.1the sample size for the first population.
  • n.2the sample size for the second population.
  • Statisticthe name of the statistic.
  • Observed.1the observed point estimate for the parameter value of the first population.
  • Observed.2the observed point estimate for the parameter value of the second population.
  • Observedthe observed point estimate for the difference between the parameter values.
  • Replicationsthe number of bootstrap replications.
  • Meanthe mean of the bootstrap values.
  • SEthe standard deviation of the bootstrap values.
  • Biasthe difference between the mean of the bootstrap values and the observed value.
  • Percent.biasthe percentage bias: 100*|Bias/Observed|.
  • Nullthe null-hypothesis value or NULL.
  • Alternativethe alternative hypothesis or NULL.
  • P.valuethe P-value or a statement like P < 0.001 or NULL.
  • p.valuethe P-value or NULL.
  • Levelthe confidence level.
  • Typethe type of confidence interval.
  • Confidence.intervalthe confidence interval.


  • Bootstrap
  • BCa bootstrap
  • Independent-samples inferences
  • Confidence interval
  • Hypothesis test
  • Inferences for two means
  • Inferences for two standard deviations
  • Inferences for two proportions


For a proportion, the data must consist of 1s and 0s, with 1 corresponding to a success.


Run this code
# Driving distances, in yards, for independent samples of drives off a
# 2-3/4" wooden tee and off a 3" Stinger Competition golf tee.
# Note that the data are unstacked.

# 99% confidence interval for the difference between the mean driving
# distances of the two types of tees. Name variable DISTANCE.
boot.two.bca(REGULAR, STINGER, mean, stacked = FALSE, variable = "DISTANCE",
conf.level = 0.99)

# 95% (default) upper confidence bound for the difference between the mean
# driving distances of the two types of tees, a left-tailed test with null
# hypothesis -10 (i.e., the difference between the mean driving distances
# is -10 yards), and 99999 bootstrap replications. 
boot.two.bca(REGULAR, STINGER, mean, stacked = FALSE, null.hyp = -10,
alternative = "less", R = 99999)

# 95% (default) confidence interval for the difference between the standard
# deviations of the driving distances, and a two-tailed test with null
# hypothesis 0 (i.e., the standard deviations are equal). Name variable DISTANCE.
boot.two.bca(REGULAR, STINGER, sd, stacked = FALSE, variable = "DISTANCE", null.hyp = 0) 

detach(tees)  # clean up

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab