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warbleR (version 1.1.12)

sim_songs: Simulate animal vocalizations


sim_songs simulate animal vocalizations in a wave object under brownian motion frequency drift.


sim_songs(n = 1, durs = 0.2, harms = 3, amps = c(1, 0.5, 0.2), gaps = 0.1, freqs = 5, 
samp.rate = 44.1, sig2 = 0.5, steps = 10, bgn = 0.5, seed = NULL, diff_fun = "GBM", 
fin = 0.1, fout = 0.2, shape = "linear", selec_table = FALSE, file_name = NULL,
path = NULL)



Number of song subunits (e.g. elements). Default is 1.


Numeric vector with the duration of subunits in seconds. It should either be a single value (which would be used for all subunits) or a vector of length n.


NUmeric vector of length 1 specifyin the number of harmonics to simulate. 1 indicates that only the fundamental frequency harmonic will be simulated.


Numeric vector with the relative amplitude of each of the harmonics (including the fundamental frequency).


Nueric vector with the duration of gaps (silence between subunits) in seconds. It should either be a single value (which would be used for all subunits) or a vector of length n + 1.


Nueric vector with the initial frequency of the subunits (and ending frequency if diff_fun == "BB") in kHz. It should either be a single value (which would be used for all subunits) or a vector of length n.


Numerirc vector of length 1. Sets the sampling frequency of the wave object (in kHz). Default is 44.1.


Numeric vector of length 1 defining the sigma value of the brownian motion model. Higher values will produce faster frequency modulations. Ignored if diff_fun == "BB". Default is 0.1. Check the BB for more details.


Numeric vector of length 1. Controls the mean number of segments in which each song subunit is split during the brownian motion process. If not all subunits have the same duration, longer units will be split in more steps (although the average duration subunit will have the predefined number of steps). Default is 10.


Numeric vector of length 1 indicating the background noise level. 0 means no additional noise will 1 means noise at the same amplitude than the song subunits. Default is 0.5.


Numeric vector of length 1. This allows users to get the same results in different runs (using set.seed internally). Default is NULL.


Character vector of length 1 controlling the function used to simulate the brownian motion process of frequency drift across time. Only "BB" and "GBM" are accepted at this time.Check the BB for more details.


Numeric vector of length 1 setting the proportion of the sub-unit to fade-in amplitude (value between 0 and 1). Default is 0.1. Note that 'fin' + 'fout' cannot be higher than 1.


Numeric vector of length 1 setting the proportion of the sub-unit to fade-out amplitude (value between 0 and 1). Default is 0.2. Note that 'fin' + 'fout' cannot be higher than 1.


Character string of length 1 controlling the shape of in and out amplitude fading of the song sub-units ('fin' and 'fout'). "linear" (default), "exp" (exponential), and "cos" (cosine) are currently allowed.


Logical. If TRUE a data frame containing the start/end time, and bottom/top frequency of the sub-units is also returned and the wave object is saved as a ".wav" file in the working directory. Defaul is FALSE.


Character string for naming the ".wav" file. Ignored if 'selec_table' is FALSE. If not provided the date-time stamp will be used.


Character string containing the directory path where the sound files are located. Ignored if 'selec_table' is FALSE. If NULL (default) then the current working directory is used.


A wave object containing the simulated songs. If 'selec_table' is TRUE the function returns a list including 1) a selection table with the start/end time, and bottom/top frequency of the sub-units and 2) a wave object.


This functions uses a brownian motion stochastic process to simulate animal vocalizations (i.e. frequency traces across time). Several song subunits (e.g. elements) can be simulated as well as the corresponding harmonics.

See Also

querxc for for downloading bird vocalizations from an online repository.


Run this code
 # simulate a song with 3 elements and no harmonics
 sm_sng <- sim_songs(n = 3, harms = 1)
 # plot spectro
 # simulate a song with 5 elements and 2 extra harmonics
sm_sng2 <- sim_songs(n = 5, harms = 3)

 # plot spectro
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab