produces spectrograms of selections (signals) split into multiple rows and columns.
catalog(X, flim = NULL, nrow = 4, ncol = 3, same.time.scale = TRUE,
collevels = seq(-40, 0, 1), ovlp = 50, parallel = 1, mar = 0.05, prop.mar = NULL,
lab.mar = 1, wl = 512, wn = "hanning", gr = FALSE, pal = reverse.gray.colors.2,
it = "jpeg", path = NULL, pb = TRUE, fast.spec = FALSE, res = 100,
orientation = "v", labels = c("sound.files", "selec"), height = NULL,
width = NULL, tags = NULL, tag.pal = list(temp.colors, heat.colors, topo.colors),
legend = 3, cex = 1, leg.wd = 1, img.suffix = NULL, img.prefix = NULL,
tag.widths = c(1, 1), hatching = 0, breaks = c(5, 5), group.tag = NULL,
spec.mar = 0, = "white", = NULL, sub.legend = FALSE,
rm.axes = FALSE, title = NULL, by.row = TRUE, box = TRUE, highlight = FALSE, alpha = 0.5)
Image files with spectrogram catalogs in the working directory. Multiple pages can be returned, depending on the length of each sound file.
'selection_table', 'extended_selection_table' or data frame with columns for sound file name (sound.files), selection number (selec),
and start and end time of signal (start and end). Default is NULL
A numeric vector of length 2 indicating the highest and lowest
frequency limits (kHz) of the spectrogram, as in
. Default is NULL
A numeric vector of length 1. Specifies number of rows. Default is 4.
A numeric vector of length 1. Specifies number of columns. Default is 3.
Logical. Controls if all spectrograms are in the same time scale (i.e. have the same duration).
A numeric vector of length 3. Specifies levels to partition the amplitude range of the spectrogram (in dB). The more levels the higher the resolution of the spectrogram. Default is seq(-40, 0, 1). seq(-115, 0, 1) will produces spectrograms similar to other acoustic analysis software packages.
Numeric vector of length 1 specifying % of overlap between two
consecutive windows, as in spectro
. Default is 50. High values of ovlp
slow down the function but produce more accurate selection limits (when X is provided).
Numeric. Controls whether parallel computing is applied. It specifies the number of cores to be used. Default is 1 (i.e. no parallel computing).
Numeric vector of length 1. Specifies the margins (in seconds) adjacent to the start and end points of selections, delineating spectrogram limits. Default is 0.05.
Numeric vector of length 1. Specifies the margins adjacent to the
start and end points of selections as a proportion of the duration of the signal. If
provided 'mar' argument is ignored. Default is NULL
. Useful when having high
variation in signal duration. Ignored if same.time.scale = FALSE
. Must be > 0 and <= 1.
Numeric vector of length 1. Specifies the space allocated to labels and tags (the upper margin). Default is 1.
A numeric vector of length 1 specifying the window length of the spectrogram, default is 512.
Character vector of length 1 specifying the window function name. See ftwindow
for name options. Default is "hanning".
Logical argument to add grid to spectrogram. Default is FALSE
Color palette function for spectrogram. Default is reverse.gray.colors.2. See
for more palettes. Palettes as gray.2
may work better when fast.spec = TRUE
A character vector of length 1 giving the image type to be used. Currently only "tiff" and "jpeg" are admitted. Default is "jpeg".
Character string containing the directory path where the sound files are located.
(default) then the current working directory is used.
Logical argument to control progress bar. Default is TRUE
Logical. If TRUE
then image function is used internally to create spectrograms, which substantially
increases performance (much faster), although some options become unavailable, as collevels, and sc (amplitude scale).
This option is indicated for signals with high background noise levels. Palette colors gray.1
, gray.2
, topo.1
and rainbow.1
(which should be imported from the package monitoR) seem
to work better with 'fast.spec' spectrograms. Palette colors gray.1
, gray.2
decreasing darkness levels.
Numeric argument of length 1. Controls image resolution. Default is 100 (faster)
although 300 is recommended for publication/presentation quality. Note that high resolution
produce significantly bigger image files. This could be problematic when creating pdf files
using catalog
String. Indicates whether a letter page size image is produced in vertical ('v' option) or horizontal orientation ('h' option). Note that width and height can also be specified.
String vector. Provides the column names that will be used as labels above the corresponding spectrograms.
Numeric. Single value (in inches) indicating the height of the output image files. Default is 11 for vertical orientation.
Numeric. Single value (in inches) indicating the width of the output image files. Default is 8.5 for vertical orientation.
String vector. Provides the column names that will be used for the color tagging legend above. Tags can also be numeric. Continuous variables would be break down in 10 color classes.
List of color palette function for tags. Should be of length 1, 2 or 3. Default is list(temp.colors, heat.colors, topo.colors)
A numeric vector of length 1 controlling a legend for color tags is added. Ignored if no tags are provided. Four values are allowed:
: No label
: Label for the first color tag
: Label for the second color tag
: Labels both color tags
Default is 3. Currently no legend can be set for group tags. Use labels instead.
A numeric vector of length 1 giving the amount by which text (including labels and axis) should be magnified. Default is 1.
Numeric. Controls the width of the legend column. Default is 1.
A character vector of length 1 with a suffix (label) to add at the end of the names of
image files. Default is NULL
(no suffix). Useful to label catalogs from different individuals,
species or sites.
A character vector of length 1 with a prefix (label) to add at the beginning of the names of
image files. Default is NULL
(no prefix). Useful to label catalogs from different individuals,
species or sites and ensure they will be grouped together when sorted by file name.
A numeric vector of length 2 to control the relative width of the color tags (when 2 tags are provided).
A numeric vector of length 1 controlling cross-hatching is used for color tags. Several cross-hatching patterns are used to make tags with similar colors more distinguishable. Four values are allowed:
: No cross-hatching
: Cross-hatching the first color tag
: Cross-hatching the second color tag
: Cross-hatching both color tags
Numeric vector of length 1 or 2 controlling the number of intervals in which a
numeric tag will be divided. The numbers control the first and second tags respectively.
Ignored if tags are not numeric. Default is c(5, 5)
Character vector of length 1 indicating the column name to be used to color the empty plot areas around the spectrograms. If provided selections that belong to the same tag level are clumped together in the catalog (the 'X' data frame is sorted by that column). This tags cannot be included in the legend so it would be better to use the label field to identify the different levels.
Numeric vector of length 1 to add space at the top, left and right sides of
the spectrogram. Useful to better display the grouping of selections when 'group.tag' is
provided. Internally applied for setting 'mar' using par
Character vector of length 1 to control the background color of the spectrogram. Default is 'white'. Ignored if group.tag = NULL
Numeric vector of length 1 indicating the number of different colors
that will be used for group tags (see 'group.tag' argument). If provided (and the number is
smaller than the number of levels in the 'group.tag' column) the colors will be recycled,
although ensuring that adjacent groups do not share the same color. Useful when the
'group.tag' has many levels and the colors assigned become very similar. Default is NULL
Logical. If TRUE
then only the levels present on each
page are shown in the legend. Default is FALSE
Logical. If TRUE
frequency and time axes are excluded. Default is FALSE
Character vector of length 1 to set the title of catalogs.
Logical. If TRUE
(default) catalogs are filled by rows.
Logical. If TRUE
(default) a box is drawn around spectrograms and
corresponding labels and tags.
Logical. If TRUE
a transparent white layer is plotted on the spectrogram areas outside the selection. The level of transparency is controlled with the argument 'alpha'. Default is FAlSE
Numeric vector of length 1 controlling the level of transparency when highlighting selections (i.e. when highlight = TRUE
, see highlight argument. Default is 0.5.
Marcelo Araya-Salas (
This functions aims to simplify the visual exploration of multiple vocalizations. The function plots a
matrix of spectrograms from a selection table. Spectrograms can be labeled or color tagged to facilitate
exploring variation related to a parameter of interest (e.g. location, song type). A legend will be added to
help match colors with tag levels (if legend is > 0). Different color palettes can
be used for each tag. Numeric tags are split in intervals (the number of intervals can be
controlled with break argument). The width and height can also be adjusted to fit more column and/or rows.
This files can be put together in a single pdf file with catalog2pdf
We recommend using low resolution (~60-100) and smaller dimensions (width & height < 10) if
aiming to generate pdfs (otherwise pdfs could be pretty big).
Araya-Salas, M., & Smith-Vidaurre, G. (2017). warbleR: An R package to streamline analysis of animal acoustic signals. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8(2), 184-191.