tracks the frequency contour of the dominant harmonic.
wl = 512,
wn = "hanning",
ovlp = 0,
fftw = FALSE,
at = NULL,
tlim = NULL,
threshold = 10,
bandpass = NULL,
clip = NULL,
plot = TRUE,
xlab = "Times (s)",
ylab = "Frequency (kHz)",
ylim = c(0, f/2000),
adjust.wl = FALSE,
dfrq = FALSE,
A 'wave' object produced by readWave
or similar functions.
Sampling frequency of the wave object (in Hz). Does not need to be specified if embedded in wave.
A numeric vector of length 1 specifying the window length for the FFT, default is 512.
Character vector of length 1 specifying window name. Default is
"hanning". See function ftwindow
for more options. This is used for calculating the frequency spectrum (using meanspec
) and producing the spectrogram (using spectro
, if plot = TRUE
Numeric vector of length 1 specifying % of overlap between two
consecutive time windows, as in spectro
. Default is 0.
if TRUE calls the function FFT of the library fftw. See Notes of the spectro
Default is FALSE
Time position where the harmonic frequency contour has to be computed (in seconds). Default is NULL
time range in which to measure frequency contours. Default is NULL
(which means it will measure
across the entire wave object).
Amplitude threshold (%) for dominant frequency and detection. Default is 10.
A numeric vector of length 2 for the lower and upper limits of a frequency bandpass filter (in kHz).
A numeric value to select dominant frequency values according to their amplitude in reference to a maximal value of 1 for the whole signal (has to be >0 & < 1).
Logical, if TRUE plots the dominant frequency against time. Default is TRUE
Label of the time axis.
Label of the frequency axis.
A numeric vector of length 2 for the frequency limit of
the spectrogram (in kHz), as in spectro
. Default is c(0, f/2000).
Logical. If TRUE
'wl' (window length) is reset to be lower than the
number of samples in a selection if the number of samples is less than 'wl'. Default is FALSE
Logical. If TRUE
seewave's dfreq
is used instead. Default is FALSE
Additional arguments to be passed to the plotting function.
Jerome Sueur, modified by Marcelo Araya-Salas (
This is a modified version of seewave's dfreq
function that allows to track the frequency
contour of a dominant harmonic even when the highest amplitude jumps between harmonics. The arguments and default values of the
original dfreq
function have been kept unchanged to facilitate switching between the 2 functions.
Araya-Salas, M., & Smith-Vidaurre, G. (2017). warbleR: An R package to streamline analysis of animal acoustic signals. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8(2), 184-191.
for tracking frequencies iteratively on selections tables.