Learn R Programming

warbleR (version 1.1.34)

warbleR-internals: warbleR Internal Functions


These functions are used by other functions in the warbleR package, but are not intended to be called by users.

These 2 functions are modified versions of spectro. The functions are: spectro.rectw.INTFUN.2 spectro.rectw.INTFUN

These 2 functions are modified versions of seewave's filled.contour.modif2(). spectro. The functions are: filled.contour.color.INTFUN filled.contour.INTFUN

boxw.INTFUN to create boxes around spectrograms in catalog

rectw is a modified version of rect to add density (cross-hatching lines)

These 2 functions are used for frequency range detection: frd.INTFUN frd.plot.INTFUN
