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warbleR (version 1.1.4)

lspec2pdf: lspec2pdf combines lspec images in .jpeg format to a single pdf file.


lspec2pdf combines lspec images in .jpeg format to a single pdf file.


lspec2pdf(keep.jpeg = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE, parallel = 1, path = NULL)


Logical argument. Indicates whether jpeg files should be kept (default) or remove. (including sound file and page number) should be magnified. Default is 1.
Logical argument. If TRUE all jpeg pdf will be produced again when code is rerun. If FALSE only the ones missing will be produced. Default is FALSE.
Numeric. Controls whether parallel computing is applied. It specifies the number of cores to be used. Default is 1 (i.e. no parallel computing).
Character string containing the directory path where the sound files are located. If NULL (default) then the current working directory is used.


The function combines spectrograms for complete sound files from the lspec function into a single pdf (for each sound file).


Run this code
## Not run: 
# # First create empty folder
# setwd(tempdir())
# # save sound file examples
# data(list = c("Phae.long1", "Phae.long2"))
# writeWave(Phae.long1,"Phae.long1.wav") 
# writeWave(Phae.long2,"Phae.long2.wav")
# lspec(sxrow = 2, rows = 8, pal = reverse.heat.colors, wl = 300, it = "jpeg")
# #now create single pdf removing jpeg
# lspec2pdf(keep.jpeg = FALSE)
# check this floder
# getwd()
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab