waterData-package: Hydrologic Data Retrieval and Analysis and Anomaly Calculation
Retrieval, analysis, and anomaly calculation of daily
hydrologic time deries data.Details
This package imports U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) daily hydrologic data
from USGS web services, plots the data, addresses some common data problems,
and calculates and plots anomalies. For a description of anomalies see
Vecchia (2003), and for examples of the application of streamflow anomalies
in trend analysis of nutrients, pesticides and surface water, see Alexander
and Smith (2006), Ryberg and Vecchia (2006), Ryberg and others (2010),
Sullivan and others (2009), Vecchia (2005), and Vecchia and others (2008).
Package: |
waterData |
Type: |
Package |
Version: |
1.0.8 |
Date: |
2017-04-28 |
License: |
Unlimited | file LICENSE |
LazyLoad: |
yes |
Alexander, R.B. and Smith, R.A., 2006, Trends in the nutrient enrichment of
U.S. rivers during the late 20th century and their relation to changes in
probable stream trophic conditions: Limnology and Oceanography, v. 51, no.
1, Part 2: Eutrophication of Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems, p.
639--654., accessed August 1, 2012, at http://www.jstor.org/stable/4499617. Ryberg, K.R. and Vecchia, A.V., 2006, Water-quality trend analysis and
sampling design for the Devils Lake Basin, North Dakota, January 1965
through September 2003: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations
Report 2006--5238, 64 p., accessed August 1, 2012, at
http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2006/5238/. Ryberg, K.R. and Vecchia, A.V., 2012, waterData---An R package for retrieval,
analysis, and anomaly calculation of daily hydrologic time series data,
version 1.0: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012--1168, 8 p.
(Also available at http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2012/1168/.) Ryberg, K.R., Vecchia, A.V., Martin, J.D., Gilliom, R.J., 2010, Trends in
pesticide concentrations in urban streams in the United States, 1992--2008:
U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5139, 101 p.,
accessed August 1, 2012, at http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2010/5139/. Sullivan, D.J., Vecchia, A.V., Lorenz, D.L., Gilliom, R.J., Martin, J.D.,
2009, Trends in pesticide concentrations in corn-belt streams, 1996--2006:
U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5132, 75 p.,
accessed August 1, 2012, at http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2009/5132/. Vecchia, A.V., 2003, Relation between climate variability and stream water
quality in the continental United States, Hydrological Science and
Technology, v. 19 no. 1, 77--98. Vecchia, A.V., 2003, Water-quality trend analysis and sampling design for
streams in North Dakota, 1971--2000: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific
Investigations Report 2003--4094, 73 p., accessed August 1, 2012, at
http://nd.water.usgs.gov/pubs/wri/wri034094/index.html. Vecchia, A.V., 2005, Water-quality trend analysis and sampling design for
streams in the Red River of the North Basin, Minnesota, North Dakota, and
South Dakota, 1970--2001: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations
Report 2005--5224, 54 p., accessed August 1, 2012, at