phase.shift: Phase Shift Wavelet Coefficients
Wavelet coefficients are circularly shifted by the amount of phase
shift induced by the wavelet transform.Usage
phase.shift(z, wf, inv = FALSE)
phase.shift.packet(z, wf, inv = FALSE)
character string; wavelet filter used in DWT
Boolean variable; if inv=TRUE
then the inverse phase
shift is applied
- DWT (DWPT) object with coefficients circularly shifted.
The center-of-energy argument of Hess-Nielsen and Wickerhauser (1996)
is used to provide a flexible way to circularly shift wavelet
coefficients regardless of the wavelet filter used. The results are
not identical to those used by Percival and Walden (2000), but are
more flexible. phase.shift.packet
is not yet implemented fully.
Hess-Nielsen, N. and M. V. Wickerhauser (1996)
Wavelets and time-frequency analysis,
Proceedings of the IEEE, 84, No. 4, 523-540.
Percival, D. B. and A. T. Walden (2000)
Wavelet Methods for Time Series Analysis,
Cambridge University Press.