# Generate the character string for the component of the imwd object
# The string associated with the diagonal detail at the third level...
lt.to.name(3, "DD")
# [1] "w3L3"
# Show how to access wavelet coefficients of imwd object.
# First, make up some data (using matrix/rnorm) and then subject it
# to an image wavelet transform.
tmpimwd <- imwd(matrix(rnorm(64),64,64))
# Get the horizontal coefficients at the 2nd level
tmpimwd[[ lt.to.name(2, "CD") ]]
# [1] 6.962251e-13 4.937486e-12 3.712157e-12 -3.064831e-12 6.962251e-13
# [6] 4.937486e-12 3.712157e-12 -3.064831e-12 6.962251e-13 4.937486e-12
# [11] 3.712157e-12 -3.064831e-12 6.962251e-13 4.937486e-12 3.712157e-12
# [16] -3.064831e-12
# If you want the coefficients returned as a matrix use the matrix function,
# i.e.
matrix(tmpimwd[[ lt.to.name(2, "CD") ]], 4,4)
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
#[1,] 6.962251e-13 6.962251e-13 6.962251e-13 6.962251e-13
#[2,] 4.937486e-12 4.937486e-12 4.937486e-12 4.937486e-12
#[3,] 3.712157e-12 3.712157e-12 3.712157e-12 3.712157e-12
#[4,] -3.064831e-12 -3.064831e-12 -3.064831e-12 -3.064831e-12
# Note that the dimensions of the matrix depend on the resolution level
# that you extract and dim = 2^level
# }
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