# Use BabySS and BabyECG data for this example.
# Want to predict future values of BabySS from future values of BabyECG
# Build model on first 256 values of both
BabyModel <- makewpstDO(timeseries=BabyECG[1:256], groups=BabySS[1:256],
# The results (ie print out answer)
#Stationary wavelet packet discrimination object
#Composite object containing components:[1] "BPd" "BP" "filter"
#Fisher's discrimination: done
#BP component has the following information
#BP class object. Contains "best basis" information
#Components of object:[1] "nlevelsWT" "BasisMatrix" "level" "pkt" "basiscoef"
#[6] "groups"
#Number of levels 8
#List of "best" packets
#Level id Packet id Basis coef
#[1,] 4 0 0.7340580
#[2,] 5 0 0.6811251
#[3,] 6 0 0.6443167
#[4,] 3 0 0.6193434
#[5,] 7 0 0.5967620
#[6,] 0 3 0.5473777
#[7,] 1 53 0.5082849
# You can plot the select basis graphically using
# }
# }
# An interesting thing are the final "best" packets, these form the
# "reduced" matrix, and the final discrimination is done on this
# In this case 7 wavelet packets were identified as being good for
# univariate high correlation.
# In the second pass lda analysis, using the reduced matrix, the following
# turns up as the best linear discriminant vectors
# The discriminant variables can be obtained by typing
#LD1 LD2
#[1,] 5.17130434 1.8961807
#[2,] 1.56487144 -3.5025251
#[3,] 1.69328553 1.1585477
#[4,] 3.63362324 8.4543247
#[5,] 0.15202947 -0.4530523
#[6,] 0.35659009 -0.3850318
#[7,] 0.09429836 -0.1281240
# Now, suppose we get some new data for the BabyECG time series.
# For the purposes of this example, this is just the continuing example
# ie BabyECG[257:512]. We can use our new discriminant model to predict
# new values of BabySS
BabySSpred <- wpstCLASS(newTS=BabyECG[257:512], BabyModel)
# Let's look at the first 10 (eg) values of this prediction
#[1] 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
#Good. Now let's look at what the "truth" was:
#[1] 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
#Good. However, the don't agree everywhere, let's do a cross classification
#between the prediction and the truth.
#> table(tmp2$class, BabySS[257:512])
# 1 2 3 4
# 1 4 1 1 0
# 2 116 0 23 3
# 4 2 12 0 94
#So class 3 and 4 agree pretty much, but class 1 has been mispredicted at class
#2 a lot.
# }
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