# Generate an imwd object.
tmp <- imwd(matrix(0, nrow=32, ncol=32))
# Now get R to use print.imwd
# Class 'imwd' : Discrete Image Wavelet Transform Object:
# ~~~~ : List with 27 components with names
# nlevelsWT fl.dbase filter type bc date w4L4 w4L1 w4L2 w4L3
# w3L4 w3L1 w3L2 w3L3 w2L4 w2L1 w2L2 w2L3 w1L4 w1L1 w1L2 w1L3 w0L4 w0L1
# w0L2 w0L3 w0Lconstant
# $ wNLx are LONG coefficient vectors !
# summary(.):
# ----------
# UNcompressed image wavelet decomposition structure
# Levels: 5
# Original image was 32 x 32 pixels.
# Filter was: Daub cmpct on least asymm N=10
# Boundary handling: periodic
# }
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