# Do 2D wavelet transform on lennon image
lwd <- imwd(lennon)
# Do threshold the wavelet coefficients, a lot of zeroes are present
lmdT <- threshold(lwd)
# What is the class of the thresholded object?
#[1] "imwdc"
# note that the coefficients are stored efficiently in the imwdc class object
#Class 'imwd' : Discrete Image Wavelet Transform Object:
#~~~~ : List with 30 components with names
#nlevelsWT fl.dbase filter w0Lconstant bc type w0L1 w0L2 w0L3 w1L1 w1L2
#w1L3 w2L1 w2L2 w2L3 w3L1 w3L2 w3L3 w4L1 w4L2 w4L3 w5L1 w5L2 w5L3 w6L1
#w6L2 w6L3 w7L1 w7L2 w7L3
#$ wNLx are LONG coefficient vectors !
#UNcompressed image wavelet decomposition structure
#Levels: 8
#Original image was 256 x 256 pixels.
#Filter was: Daub cmpct on least asymm N=10
#Boundary handling: periodic
# }
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