baseseries <- BabyECG[1:256]
# Make up a FICTITIOUS response series!
response <- BabyECG[6:261]*3+52
# Do the modeling
BabeModel <- makewpstRO(timeseries=baseseries, response=response)
#Level: 0 ..........
#1 ..........
#2 ..........
#3 ..........
#4 ................
#Contains SWP coefficients
#Original time series length: 256
#Number of bases: 25
#Some basis selection performed
# Level Pkt Index Orig Index Score
#[1,] 5 0 497 0.6729833
#[2,] 4 0 481 0.6120771
#[3,] 6 0 505 0.4550616
#[4,] 3 0 449 0.4309924
#[5,] 7 0 509 0.3779385
#[6,] 1 53 310 0.3275428
#[7,] 2 32 417 -0.3274858
#[8,] 2 59 444 -0.2912863
#[9,] 3 16 465 -0.2649679
#[10,] 1 110 367 0.2605178
#etc. etc.
# Let's look at the data frame component
# [1] "response" "X1" "X2" "X3" "X4" "X5"
# [7] "X6" "X7" "X8" "X9" "X10" "X11"
#[13] "X12" "X13" "X14" "X15" "X16" "X17"
#[19] "X18" "X19" "X20" "X21" "X22" "X23"
#[25] "X24" "X25"
# Generate a formula including all of the X's (note we could use the .
# argument, but we later want to be more flexible
xnam <- paste("X", 1:25, sep="")
fmla1 <- as.formula(paste("response ~ ", paste(xnam, collapse= "+")))
# Now let's fit a linear model, the response on all the Xs
Babe.lm1 <- lm(fmla1, data=BabeModel$df)
# Do an ANOVA to see what's what
#Analysis of Variance Table
#Response: response
# Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
#X1 1 214356 214356 265.7656 < 2.2e-16 ***
#X2 1 21188 21188 26.2701 6.289e-07 ***
#X3 1 30534 30534 37.8565 3.347e-09 ***
#X4 1 312 312 0.3871 0.5344439
#X5 1 9275 9275 11.4999 0.0008191 ***
#X6 1 35 35 0.0439 0.8343135
#X7 1 195 195 0.2417 0.6234435
#X8 1 94 94 0.1171 0.7324600
#X9 1 331 331 0.4103 0.5224746
#X10 1 0 0 0.0006 0.9810560
#X11 1 722 722 0.8952 0.3450597
#X12 1 0 0 0.0004 0.9850243
#X13 1 77 77 0.0959 0.7570769
#X14 1 2770 2770 3.4342 0.0651404 .
#X15 1 6 6 0.0072 0.9326155
#X16 1 389 389 0.4821 0.4881649
#X17 1 44 44 0.0544 0.8157015
#X18 1 44 44 0.0547 0.8152640
#X19 1 4639 4639 5.7518 0.0172702 *
#X20 1 490 490 0.6077 0.4364469
#X21 1 389 389 0.4823 0.4880660
#X22 1 85 85 0.1048 0.7463860
#X23 1 1710 1710 2.1198 0.1467664
#X24 1 12 12 0.0148 0.9033427
#X25 1 82 82 0.1019 0.7498804
#Residuals 230 185509 807
#Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# Looks like X1, X2, X3, X5, X14 and X19 are "significant". Also throw in
# X4 as it was a highly ranked preselected variable, and refit
fmla2 <- response ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + X14 + X19
Babe.lm2 <- lm(fmla2, data=BabeModel$df)
# Let's see the ANOVA table for this
#Analysis of Variance Table
#Response: response
# Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
#X1 1 214356 214356 279.8073 < 2.2e-16 ***
#X2 1 21188 21188 27.6581 3.128e-07 ***
#X3 1 30534 30534 39.8567 1.252e-09 ***
#X4 1 312 312 0.4076 0.5238034
#X5 1 9275 9275 12.1075 0.0005931 ***
#X14 1 3095 3095 4.0405 0.0455030 *
#X19 1 4540 4540 5.9259 0.0156263 *
#Residuals 248 189989 766
#Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# So, let's drop X4, refit, and then do ANOVA
Babe.lm3 <- update(Babe.lm2, . ~ . -X4)
# After viewing this, drop X14
Babe.lm4 <- update(Babe.lm3, . ~ . -X14)
# Let's plot the original series, and the "fitted" one
if (FALSE) ts.plot(BabeModel$df[["response"]])
if (FALSE) lines(fitted(Babe.lm4), col=2)
# Let's plot the wavelet packet basis functions associated with the model
if (FALSE) oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
if (FALSE) z <- rep(0, 256)
if (FALSE) zwp <- wp(z, filter.number=BabeModel$filter$filter.number,
if (FALSE) draw(zwp, level=BabeModel$level[1], index=BabeModel$pktix[1], main="", sub="")
if (FALSE) draw(zwp, level=BabeModel$level[2], index=BabeModel$pktix[2], main="", sub="")
if (FALSE) draw(zwp, level=BabeModel$level[3], index=BabeModel$pktix[3], main="", sub="")
if (FALSE) draw(zwp, level=BabeModel$level[5], index=BabeModel$pktix[5], main="", sub="")
if (FALSE) par(oldpar)
# Now let's do some prediction of future values of the response, given
# future values of the baseseries
newseries <- BabyECG[257:512]
# Get the new data frame
newdfinfo <- wpstREGR(newTS = newseries, wpstRO=BabeModel)
# Now use the best model (Babe.lm4) with the new data frame (newdfinfo)
# to predict new values of response
newresponse <- predict(object=Babe.lm4, newdata=newdfinfo)
# What is the "true" response, well we made up a response earlier, so let's
# construct the true response for this future data (in your case you'll
# have a separate genuine response variable)
trucfictresponse <- BabyECG[262:517]*3+52
# Let's see them plotted on the same plot
if (FALSE) ts.plot(trucfictresponse)
if (FALSE) lines(newresponse, col=2)
# On my plot they look tolerably close!
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