# GDP at market prices (current US$) for all available countries and regions
wb(indicator = "NY.GDP.MKTP.CD", startdate = 2000, enddate = 2016)
# query using regionID or incomeID
# High Income Countries and Sub-Saharan Africa (all income levels)
wb(country = c("HIC", "SSF"), indicator = "NY.GDP.MKTP.CD", startdate = 1985, enddate = 1985)
# if you do not know when the latest time an indicator is avaiable mrv can help
wb(country = c("IN"), indicator = 'EG.ELC.ACCS.ZS', mrv = 1)
# increase the mrv value to increase the number of maximum number of returns
wb(country = c("IN"), indicator = 'EG.ELC.ACCS.ZS', mrv = 35)
# if you want to "fill-in" the values in between actual observations use gapfill = TRUE
# this highlights a very important difference.
# all other parameters are the same as above, except gapfill = TRUE
# and the results are very different
wb(country = c("IN"), indicator = 'EG.ELC.ACCS.ZS', mrv = 35, gapfill = TRUE)
# if you want the most recent values within a certain time frame
wb(country = c("US"), indicator = 'SI.DST.04TH.20', startdate = 1970, enddate = 2000, mrv = 2)
# without the freq parameter the deafult temporal granularity search is yearly
# should return the 12 most recent years of data
wb(country = c("CHN", "IND"), indicator = "DPANUSSPF", mrv = 12)
# if another frequency is available for that indicator it can be accessed using the freq parameter
# should return the 12 most recent months of data
wb(country = c("CHN", "IND"), indicator = "DPANUSSPF", mrv = 12, freq = "M")
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