Given \(j, n, t\) are the decomposition level,
oscillation index, and time index, respectively, the MODWPT is given by
\widetilde{W}_{j,n,t} \equiv \sum_{l=0}^{L-1}\widetilde{u}_{n,l}
\widetilde{W}_{j-1,\lfloor n/2 \rfloor, t - 2^{j-1}\;l \mbox{ mod }N}
The variable \(L\) is the length of the filters defined by
\widetilde{u}_{n,l} \equiv \left\{
\widetilde{g_l}/\surd{2}, & \mbox{ if }n \bmod 4=0 \mbox{ or }3; \\
\widetilde{h_l}/\surd{2}, & \mbox{ if }n \bmod 4=1 \mbox{ or }2,
where \(g\) and \(h\) are the scaling filter and wavelet filter, respectively.
By definition, \(\widetilde{W}_{0,0,t} \equiv X_t\) where
\(\{X_t\}\) is the original time series.