Count all combinations between the values of column1 and column2 and return a data frame with the combination of the items and the respecting frequencies. Special case of freq.of.all.combinations.df for numeric column1 and column2, thus no special reason to call.
freq.of.all.combinations.df.numeric(column1, column2, data.df, order = 0, removeNA = TRUE)
The name of the first column
The name of the second column
The data frame containing the columns var1, var2
0 (default): no order, 1: descenting frequancy order, 2: ascenting wordcode order, 3: ascenting word order.
Should remove any NA values or count them in their combination? Default is TRUE (remove NA).
A data frame containing the frequencies of all pairs of values between column1 and column2. It counts all pair occurences independent of position, thus the pairs of (column1, column2): (a, b), (a, b), (b, a) will result to the entry in freq.of.all.combinations.df of (word1 = a, word2 = b, freq = 3).