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workflowr (version 0.7.0)

wflow_convert: Convert R Markdown files to workflowr template.


wflow_convert converts existing R Markdown files to use the workflowr template. This is especially useful when migrating an existing project with many R Markdown files to use workflowr.


wflow_convert(files, standalone = FALSE, dry_run = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)



character. The R Markdown file(s) to be converted. Must have file extension Rmd or rmd.


logical (default: FALSE). Embed the configuration chunks directly in the document to create a standalone file. Should only need to be used when creating files outside the context of a workflowr project.


logical (default: FALSE). Preview the changes to the files. Show the output of diff between the original and the proposed replacement.


logical (default: TRUE). Report progress.


Invisibly returns a list which contains the results of running diff between the original and converted versions of each file. The names of the list elements are the filenames. The diffs are character vectors. Only files which were successfully converted are included.


wflow_convert overwrites the original files.


wflow_convert attempts to identify the current state of each R Markdown file and convert it to the latest version of the workflowr template. Specifically, it can perform any of the following conversions:

  • Convert a standard R Markdown file to use the workflowr template

  • Convert an outdated workflowr Rmd file to use the latest workflowr template

  • Convert a workflowr Rmd file to the standalone version of the template (if standalone = TRUE)

  • Convert a standalone workflowr Rmd file to the non-standalone version of the template (if standalone = FALSE)

  • Convert an ashlar R Markdown file to use the workflwor template

If a given R Markdown file is already using the latest version of the template, it is not changed.

If a file is lacking a YAML header, a generic YAML header is added.

See Also



Run this code
# Convert an R Markdown file to use workflowr template
# Convert an R Markdown file to use workflowr template,
# but embed the shared chunks to create a standalone file
wflow_convert("existing.Rmd", standalone = TRUE)
# Preview the changes
wflow_convert("existing.Rmd", dry_run = TRUE)
# Convert multiple an R Markdown files
wflow_convert(files = list.files(path = "analysis",
                                 pattern = "Rmd$",
                                 full.names = TRUE))
# }
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab