# Prepare parameters.
ds <- iris
target <- "Species"
vars <- names(ds)
if (sum([vars]))) ds[vars] <- randomForest::na.roughfix(ds[vars])
ds[target] <- as.factor(ds[[target]])
form <- as.formula(paste(target, "~ ."))
train.1 <- sample(nrow(ds), 0.7*nrow(ds))
test.1 <- setdiff(seq_len(nrow(ds)), train.1)
train.2 <- sample(nrow(ds), 0.7*nrow(ds))
test.2 <- setdiff(seq_len(nrow(ds)), train.2)
# Build model. We disable parallelism here, since CRAN Repository
# Policy (
# limits the usage of multiple cores to save the limited resource of
# the check farm.
model.wsrf.1 <- wsrf(form, data=ds[train.1, vars], parallel=FALSE)
model.wsrf.2 <- wsrf(form, data=ds[train.2, vars], parallel=FALSE)
# Merge two models.
model.wsrf.big <- combine.wsrf(model.wsrf.1, model.wsrf.2)
cl <- predict(model.wsrf.big, newdata=ds[test.1, vars], type="response")$response
actual <- ds[test.1, target]
(accuracy.wsrf <- mean(cl==actual))
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