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xcms (version 1.48.0)

plot.xcmsEIC: Plot extracted ion chromatograms from multiple files


Batch plot a list of extracted ion chromatograms to the current graphics device.


the xcmsEIC object
optional xcmsSet object with peak integration data
either character vector with names or integer vector with indicies of peak groups for which to plot EICs
either character vector with names or integer vector with indicies of samples for which to plot EICs
a two column matrix with minimum and maximum retention times between which to return EIC data points

if it has the same number of rows as the number groups in the xcmsEIC object, then sampleidx is used to subset it. otherwise, it is repeated over the length of sampleidx

it may also be a single number specifying the time window around the peak for which to plot EIC data

color to use for plotting extracted ion chromatograms. if missing and y is specified, colors are taken from unclass(sampclass(y)) and the default palette

if it is the same length as the number groups in the xcmsEIC object, then sampleidx is used to subset it. otherwise, it is repeated over the length of sampleidx

text to use for legend. if NULL and y is specified, legend text is taken from the sample class information found in the xcmsSet
logical, plot integrated peak area with darkened lines (requires that y also be specified)
seconds to pause between plotting EICs
other graphical parameters


A xcmsSet object.


x = "xcmsEIC"
plot.xcmsEIC(x, y, groupidx = groupnames(x), sampleidx = sampnames(x), rtrange = x@rtrange, col = rep(1, length(sampleidx)), legtext = NULL, peakint = TRUE, sleep = 0, ...)

See Also

xcmsEIC-class, png, pdf, postscript,