Learn R Programming

xfun (version 0.48)

md5: Calculate the MD5 checksums of R objects


Serialize an object and calculate the checksum via tools::md5sum(). If tools::md5sum() does not have the argument bytes, the object will be first serialized to a temporary file, which will be deleted after the checksum is calculated, otherwise the raw bytes of the object will be passed to the bytes argument directly (which will be faster than writing to a temporary file).




A character vector of the checksums of objects passed to md5(). If the arguments are named, the results will also be named.



Any number of R objects.


Run this code
x1 = 1
x2 = 1:10
x3 = seq(1, 10)
x4 = iris
x5 = paste
(m = xfun::md5(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5))
stopifnot(m[2] == m[3])  # x2 and x3 should be identical

xfun::md5(x1 = x1, x2 = x2)  # named arguments

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