(res = taml_load("a: 1"))
(res = taml_load("a: 1\nb: \"foo\"\nc: null"))
(res = taml_load("a:\n b: false\n c: true\n d: 1.234\ne: bar"))
taml_save(res, indent = "\t")
taml_load("a: !expr paste(1:10, collapse = \", \")")
taml_load("a: [1, 3, 4, 2]")
taml_load("a: [1, \"abc\", 4, 2]")
taml_load("a: [\"foo\", \"bar\"]")
taml_load("a: [true, false, true]")
# the other form of array is not supported
taml_load("a:\n - b\n - c")
# and you must use the yaml package
if (loadable("yaml")) yaml_load("a:\n - b\n - c")
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