This function is for both linear and tree models.
is returned by the function.
The columns are:
name of the features as provided in feature_names
or already present in the model dump;
contribution of each feature to the model. For boosted tree model, each gain of each feature of each tree is taken into account, then average per feature to give a vision of the entire model. Highest percentage means important feature to predict the label
used for the training (only available for tree models);
metric of the number of observation related to this feature (only available for tree models);
percentage representing the relative number of times a feature have been taken into trees.
If you don't provide feature_names
, index of the features will be used instead.
Because the index is extracted from the model dump (made on the C++ side), it starts at 0 (usual in C++) instead of 1 (usual in R).
Co-occurence count
The gain gives you indication about the information of how a feature is important in making a branch of a decision tree more pure. However, with this information only, you can't know if this feature has to be present or not to get a specific classification. In the example code, you may wonder if odor=none should be TRUE
to not eat a mushroom.
Co-occurence computation is here to help in understanding this relation between a predictor and a specific class. It will count how many observations are returned as TRUE
by the target
function (see parameters). When you execute the example below, there are 92 times only over the 3140 observations of the train dataset where a mushroom have no odor and can be eaten safely.
If you need to remember only one thing: unless you want to leave us early, don't eat a mushroom which has no odor :-)