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xml2 (version 1.3.7)

xml_attr: Retrieve an attribute.


xml_attrs() retrieves all attributes values as a named character vector, xml_attrs() <- or xml_set_attrs() sets all attribute values. xml_attr() retrieves the value of single attribute and xml_attr() <- or xml_set_attr() modifies its value. If the attribute doesn't exist, it will return default, which defaults to NA. xml_has_attr() tests if an attribute is present.


xml_attr(x, attr, ns = character(), default = NA_character_)

xml_has_attr(x, attr, ns = character())

xml_attrs(x, ns = character())

xml_attr(x, attr, ns = character()) <- value

xml_set_attr(x, attr, value, ns = character())

xml_attrs(x, ns = character()) <- value

xml_set_attrs(x, value, ns = character())


xml_attr() returns a character vector. NA is used to represent of attributes that aren't defined.

xml_has_attr() returns a logical vector.

xml_attrs() returns a named character vector if x x is single node, or a list of character vectors if given a nodeset



A document, node, or node set.


Name of attribute to extract.


Optionally, a named vector giving prefix-url pairs, as produced by xml_ns(). If provided, all names will be explicitly qualified with the ns prefix, i.e. if the element bar is defined in namespace foo, it will be called foo:bar. (And similarly for attributes). Default namespaces must be given an explicit name. The ns is ignored when using xml_name<-() and xml_set_name().


Default value to use when attribute is not present.


character vector of new value.


Run this code
x <- read_xml("")
xml_attr(x, "id")
xml_attr(x, "apple")

kids <- xml_children(x)
xml_attr(kids, "id")
xml_has_attr(kids, "id")

# Missing attributes give missing values
xml_attr(xml_children(x), "d")
xml_has_attr(xml_children(x), "d")

# If the document has a namespace, use the ns argument and
# qualified attribute names
x <- read_xml('
doc <- xml_children(x)[[1]]
ns <- xml_ns(x)

xml_attrs(doc, ns)

# If you don't supply a ns spec, you get the first matching attribute
xml_attr(doc, "id")
xml_attr(doc, "b:id", ns)
xml_attr(doc, "id", ns)

# Can set a single attribute with `xml_attr() <-` or `xml_set_attr()`
xml_attr(doc, "id") <- "one"
xml_set_attr(doc, "id", "two")

# Or set multiple attributes with `xml_attrs()` or `xml_set_attrs()`
xml_attrs(doc) <- c("b:id" = "one", "f:id" = "two", "id" = "three")
xml_set_attrs(doc, c("b:id" = "one", "f:id" = "two", "id" = "three"))

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