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xts (version 0.13.1)

as.xts.methods: Convert Object To And From Class xts


Conversion S3 methods to coerce data objects of arbitrary classes to class xts and back, without losing any attributes of the original format.


# S3 method for xts

# S3 method for timeSeries as.xts(x, dateFormat="POSIXct", FinCenter, recordIDs, title, documentation, ..., .RECLASS=FALSE)

# S3 method for zoo as.xts(x, order.by=index(x), frequency=NULL, ..., .RECLASS=FALSE)

# S3 method for ts as.xts(x, dateFormat,...,.RECLASS=FALSE)

# S3 method for data.frame as.xts(x, order.by, dateFormat="POSIXct", frequency=NULL, ...,.RECLASS=FALSE)

# S3 method for matrix as.xts(x, order.by, dateFormat="POSIXct", frequency=NULL, ..., .RECLASS=FALSE)


An S3 object of class xts.



data object to convert. See details for supported types


what format should the dates be converted to


see timeSeries help


see timeSeries help


see timeSeries help


see timeSeries help


see zoo help


see zoo help


additional parameters or attributes


should conversion be reversible?


Jeffrey A. Ryan


A simple and reliable way to convert many different objects into a uniform format for use within R.

It is possible with a call to as.xts to convert objects of class timeSeries, ts, matrix, data.frame, and zoo.

Additional name=value pairs may be passed to the function to be added to the new object. A special print.xts method will assure that the attributes are hidden from view, but will be available via R's standard attr function.

If .RECLASS=TRUE, the returned object will preserve all relevant attribute/slot data within itself, allowing for temporary conversion to use zoo and xts compatible methods. A call to reclass returns the object to its original class, with all original attributes intact - unless otherwise changed. This is the default behavior when try.xts is used for conversion, and should not be altered by the user; i.e. don't touch it unless you are aware of the consequences.

It should be obvious, but any attributes added via the ... argument will not be carried back to the original data object, as there would be no available storage slot/attribute.

See Also

xts, zoo


Run this code
  if (FALSE) {
  # timeSeries
  x <- timeSeries(1:10, 1:10)

  str( as.xts(x) )
  str( reclass(as.xts(x)) )
  str( try.xts(x) )
  str( reclass(try.xts(x)) )

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab