A port of Continuous Wavelet transform to rethomics
This function is intended to be used as an argument in the spectrogram wrapper.
cwt_spectrogram(x, period_range = c(hours(1), hours(32)),
sampling_rate = 1/mins(1), resolution = 1/64,
summary_time_window = mins(30))
numeric vector
vector of size 2 defining minimal and maximal range of period to study (in seconds)
the -- implicitly regular -- sampling rate of x (in hertz)
the period resolution of the CWT (i.e. the number of suboctaves)
the sampling period after post-processing. Values of power are avegraged over this time window, for each period.
spectrogram -- to apply this fucntion to all indivvidual, with some preprocessing.
WaveletComp::analyze.wavelet -- the orginal function for cwt_spectrogram