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Marion.env: Marion Island Environmental Dataset


Geographic coordinates, altitude and island side (East, West) at 12 plots (4 transects and 3 altitudes) on Marion Island.





A data frame with 12 rows (plots) and 4 columns (variables).


The data set contains the following variables:

  • x: x-position in meters in UTM 37 projection

  • y: y-position in meters in UTM 37 projection

  • Altitude: mean elevation

  • Side: cardinal (East or West) side of the island

Location: Marion Island -- 46<U+00B0> 53' 34.2" S, 37 degrees 45' 02.3" E

Data owner: Melodie A. McGeoch


Nyakatya, M.J. & McGeoch, M.A. (2008). Temperature variation across Marion Island associated with a keystone plant species (Azorella selago Hook. (Apiaceae)). Polar Biology, 31, 139-151.

McGeoch, M.A., Le Roux, P.C., Hugo, E.A. & Nyakatya, M.J. (2008). Spatial variation in the terrestrial biotic system. The Prince Edward Islands: Land-Sea Interactions in a Changing World (ed. by S.L. Chown and P.W. Froneman), pp. 245-276. African SunMedia, Stellenbosch.